Flex Properties Full Management Services include on-going communication, comprehensive marketing and advertising.
We will be adding your listing to all of the most popular short term bnb websites, getting the highest occupancy.
We advertise and coordinate showings of your property to prospective tenants and keep landlord informed of prospective tenants and offers.
We offer Full Cleaning Services from top to bottom whenever required. We have our own specialized expert cleaners for all your needs.
Our goal is to provide our customers with excellent workmanship and great customer service. Our team of handymen are ready to help you
At Flex Properties our team is made up of intelligent, friendly staff who will engage your clients and help boost client morale and relationships.
Flex Properties is an all-in-one company that offers services
from short term to long-term property management solutions.
Emporium tortor vel orci efficitur, in venenatis felis molestie. In lobortis odio augue, id vulputate erat egestas sed. Ut euismod ipsum ut dolor hendrerit, non ultricies urna accumsan.
Brooklyn NY
Flex Properties is an all-in-one company that offers services from short term to long-term property management solutions.